To Register a Buyer or Seller with Father Time Auctions of St. Louis, MO
Father Time® Auctions & Real Estate
Roland R. Bauer III, Managing Broker, GRI, AARE
2850 Lawndell Drive, St. Louis, MO 63144
314-962-4200 office - 314-962-2573 fax
For Property Address: _____________________________________________________________________
Auction Date: _______________________ Broker Registration Deadline: 48 Hours prior to last business day before auction
_______________________________________________________ (Broker’s Name) wishes to register
_______________________________________(Buyer) for property being offered in the auction indicated above.
The broker/agent shall be deemed to have earned a commission if all of the following conditions have been met:
1. Broker must be licensed in the State of which the auction property is located.
2. Broker/agent registers 48 hours prior to last business day before the auction by 5:00 p.m. in order to submit a bid.
3. Broker/agent shows the property to client prior to the auction and attends bidder seminars/open houses.
4. Broker/agent attends the auction with client and remains with the client until contracting is complete.
5. Broker/agent’s client is the high bidder, places required deposit and signs real estate sales contract.
6. Broker/agent is not acting as a principal in this transaction.
7. Broker agrees that he/she shall hold harmless and indemnify attorney’s fees, from any and all claims with regard to such commission(s).
Broker must attach a copy of these terms, executed by the Broker/Agent below, with each registration.
8. Broker/agent’s buyer client closes the transaction in full in all terms under the contract.
9. Broker/Agent states Agency Relationship to buyer in writing upon registration.
10. Broker/Agent agrees that he/she will not claim any exceptions to these foregoing procedures.
11. Broker/Agent waives all right to any commission(s)/referral fee(s), forfeited earnest money(s), if their client defaults for any and/all reason.
Provided the above listed conditions are met in full at closing the undersigned broker will collect a referral fee commission equal to 20.0 % of the total commissions//buyers premium received by Father Time® Auctions & Real Estate.