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Auction Method vs Traditional Sale
Selling by Father Time® Method Sell in 90 days or less. Exclusivity. Carrying Cost. Control. Price. Close in 30 days or less. |
Selling by Traditional Sale -In a slowing market, it's possible that your property will remain on the market for months or even years, leading to price reduction to encourage buyer interest and activity. Your property will be one of many that is minimally advertised, which creates a heavy reliance on the Multiple Listing Service. A property that remains on the market for an extended period can become a serious drain on you and your equity. Mortgage payments, maintenance, taxes and insurance can add up to thousands of dollars a month for some properties. There is less motivation for buyers as you are waiting on them. Plus, you must negotiate all aspects of the sale. You risk overpricing, and thus seeing little interest, or under pricing and selling for less than the property is worth. The upside potential is limited by the asking price. If you have ever 'sold' a property contingent on financing or on the sale of the buyer's property or with other common contingencies, you know how difficult and frustrating closing that sale can be. |
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